What lights your SOUL
on FIRE?

15 min readJan 5, 2021
Photo by Raspopova Marina on Unplash

Let’s be real, quarantine propelled all our minds to ponder the great question — WHY?

Why are we here?

What is actually important?

Even though our days looked a little different, it was exciting to realize it’s ending with Christmas.

A cozy Christmas.

Though, Christmas day this year meant surrounding ourselves in the same place we’ve been all year, some with family and some without. In the midst of unexpected changes and virtual gatherings, Christmas in particular brought back a sense of familiarity and comfort we all longed for.

In fact, being home for Christmas with hot chocolate in hand and home alone playing in the background made up for the many blurred months this past year. Identically, instead of the monotonous housing exteriors, many dressed their homes with lights filling the streets with something new, different, and familiar.

It really was the most beautiful time of the year!

And, at just the right moment Pixar released another awe-inspiring movie: SOUL

Not just a regular Joe

Have you met Joe yet? ^

If you haven’t watched yet: Spoiler Alert!

To begin here are some

Quick Facts:

Movie: Soul

Released: Dec 25th

Watch On: Disney+

Character Voices: Jamie Foxx, Tina Fey

Duration: 1 hour 30 mins

Themes: Purpose, Meaning, Life

Type: Animation

Inspiration: Inside Out


If you were a fan of Inside Out then you’ll be delighted to watch this quick movie that’ll leave you discussing essentially the most important aspect of life with your kids, friends, and family.

In great Pixar fashion, Soul was playful, bright, and thoughtfully created to tell the story of a middle school music teacher, Joe Gardner and a young soul named 22. Although, it’s an animated movie it’s really meant to be a movie for all of us with a message that’ll leave you questioning every moment of your life.

To start, we learn that Joe Gardner wasn’t any ordinary music teacher, but an extraordinarily talented jazz artist that longed to be on stage specifically with legendary Dorothea Williams. However, doubts stemming from his mom who wanted him to have a real job and stability circulated his mind.

As most artists do though, this didn’t stop Joe from finding gigs to perform. His persistence even eventually landed his dream gig with Dorothea Williams. Finally! End of story, right? Nope not quite. Right when Joe gets his dream performance, he falls to his “death” through a manhole on the street.

Intense, I know.

Before “dying” though, we see that Joe’s eyes were filled with fireworks and pure joy.

Clearly, Joe and jazz were inseparable because it literally gave him LIFE.

However, we also see that he truly acts upon this only at the brink of DEATH.

Fun fact: Jazz is a notable music genre that etymologists believed originated from the slang term “Jasm” which originally meant energy, viability, and spirit.

Anyways, if you’re watching with your kids, this end of life moment is actually a quick fall through a manhole that transitions into scenes with the blue glowy animation we all loved from inside out. It’s also where the story truly starts to unfold.

Leading us into the “Great Before” and “Great Beyond” a land where all souls are created and destroyed. There, we learn that the “Great Before” is where souls are given personalities that are uniquely curated through a random system. After this is done each soul is required to have an earth pass to start actually living.

Scene from Soul with 22, Joe, Jerry (x2), Terry

This earth pass becomes key for Joe’s path back to earth, however this became quite a challenge for both Joe and 22 to get.

Through Joe’s journey we stumble upon very notable events, people, and interactions between the soul life and earth. Especially, when Joe meets young soul 22 who has been “struggling” to get the earth pass.

Here are 3 Key Takeaways from Soul we can all learn and apply in our everyday lives.

1. Life begins at Appreciation

The yin and yang pairing of Joe and 22 were the focal point of the movie for a seemingly obvious reason. One being that Joe is ending his life whereas 22 is just about to begin hers. This contrast is an essential aspect of the movie because it shares the message of both death, rebirth and more importantly, appreciation.

Joe finally being so close to his dream begins to appreciate his life and gets excited for what’s to come. Yet as unforgivable as life can be, this attitude only comes alive at his death.

Conversely, 22 doesn’t appreciate the opportunity of life she’s been given so she’s in this perpetual cycle everyday in the “Great Before’’, where she’s found comfort in the predictable. Basically choosing to avoid life and run away from what could be, losing the chance to actually experience it.

Both Joe and 22 shows us through their fight with life the long lasting effects of living in a lack appreciation. More importantly how this can blind us to truly discovering the beauty of life.

How else would we began to discover the true beauty of life? How else would we carve our own path in this game we call life?

When Joe started to open his eyes to the possibilities, an opportunity came straight to him.

Yet as quickly as it came, it left.

Because no matter what, death is inevitable and unforgiving. 2020 reiterated this to us all, more than ever. I guess life really is that short?

So, why not begin appreciating the time and life we have right now?

As for 22, her state shows that we can’t truly appreciate something without giving it a chance. In life we’re faced with people, decisions, and unpredictability very often. Especially, this year during a pandemic, where most days felt uncertain, it can feel difficult to appreciate what we do have.

But running away from what could be doesn’t give us a true understanding of how something could feel or change us. It also leads us to build this false sky high expectation that towers what reality actually looks like. When in reality, taking the first step to something we truly enjoy will always leads us to something even more exciting.

So, why not take advantage of the now? Be here while we can so that we can enjoy what we do have and better prepare for the days to come? And more importantly take the risk of being in the uncertainty of life, you never know what you’ll find.

It may not be so obvious, but there’s always something to appreciate. You are living, breathing, reading this article maybe on a laptop or a phone! Sounds like you have a couple essentials to be appreciative of even in this moment right here.

Either way, you never know maybe appreciation can lead you to an unexpected unfolding of wonderful surprises.

Appreciation can make a day, even change a life. Your willingness to put it into words is all that is necessary — Margaret Cousins

2. Own Who You Are

In Pixar’s playful manner we meet the Jerrys’ who manage all souls being created in the “Great Before.” There they take groups of souls and run them through a multitude of fun houses that give them traits like excitability and aloofness. It’s a notable depiction because it dances around the debate of nature vs nurture. It also reaffirms this idea that we are all made in very unique ways.

In knowing this, wouldn’t this logically assume that we all need very unique conditions to live? That naturally we’d want, need, and are attracted to very unique people, places, and things that specifically align with who we are. To me, this illustrates how everyone is on their own journey of discovery and finding what works for them.

That the only person that will truly know what’s right for you is you! Surprise, surprise.

Going back to Joe’s mom where she pushed on about getting a job with benefits and stability. Was she right? Haven’t we all been here before? Let’s be real, this generational difference is quite significant in every industry and every culture isn’t it?

The truth is, how life was lived before us by people who weren’t us will never work for us today.

Let’s be clear though, his mother, like all parents, only wanted to see her son thriving. The fear that she was projecting was only out of love and care. She was responsible for the man he becomes and that itself can come with a great deal of challenges and trust.

Therefore, her concerns are fully understandable. However, in order to inspire true success for anyone is always better done through empowerment. Empowerment to be themselves, because the best way to be successful is to live everyday as yourself. Everyone already comes with unique gifts, perspectives, and places in this world, but it’s up us to do the work to consistently discover it and live by it.

In today’s reality where artists thrive and side hustles are expanding, there is no limit to how far anyone can grow with a lucrative and fulfilling life.

Besides how boring would life be if you were merely imitating each other and not actually voicing our own opinions, or expressing our unique quirks and talents.

The reward for conformity is that everyone likes you but yourself. — Rita Mae Brown

3. Self-reflection is Self-love

Along Joe’s journey we’re introduced to Moonwind who ends up being a pivotal character for Joe and 22’s growth.

He takes them both back to earth and becomes a key component in how they regain their life.

Scene with Moonwind in his day job

← Not exactly how we would imagine a spiritual guide.

Moonwind was a wild card character that represented the power of meditation.

The movie itself doesn’t go into any depth of spirituality or meditation but it does distinguish value in getting people out of their black holes (which we’ll get to later) through meditation.

Think of a time you were about to take a major test or needed to meet a difficult family member. Where did you go in your mind?

How did you get out of it?

Meditation to many may seem like a group of hippies reciting hums over and over with no purpose. However in reality, many successful leaders, CEOs, and world changers use meditation on the daily basis. In fact you probably do too! And it looks, feels a little different than repetitive hums.

Some examples of these leaders include Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn, Arianna Huffington, Founder of Huffington Post, and Padmasree Warrior, Chief Technology and Strategy Office of Cisco Systems practice.

So, what is Meditation and why is it important?

By definition, it’s “a written or spoken discourse expressing considered thoughts on a subject.”

To me, it plays on the art of allowing.

As well as, self-reflection.

When we are analyzing and feeling every emotion that comes up we are practicing the greatest form of self-love. We are stepping away from external stimuli and considering how we feel and what our mind is focusing on.

More importantly, we are allowing ourselves to feel and think our thoughts without judgement. Which is probably the best time to objectively dive into the why of our emotions and thoughts.

Simon Sinek anyone?

📚: simonsinek.com

In the movie, we see a Hedge fund manager come out of his black hole after Moonwind dances and meditates. Although it may seem silly, this actually conveys a handy tool to get us out of times of stress and consistent blindness.

When we veil ourselves with our fears, stresses, and worries it’s easy to forget who we really are and what we truly enjoy. In fact, when this thought becomes consistent enough we start to live blindly and blissfully unaware of our surrounding world while hurting ourselves and others in the process. Leading us to live lives almost as if a black storm is constantly around us, just like 22.

Maybe some of us were lucky enough to avoid this black storm, or we have yet to realize we’ve been in one most of our life.

Either way, there is no one path to getting to this place in life. It may even be a constant in and out battle. It happens.

Despite our unique reasons though, there is no doubt that regardless of how we get there we are truly in control of getting ourselves out of it through meditation and self-love.


1. The Zone World

Clearly, the people stuck in their black holes represented those that are enveloped in stressors, worries, and negativity from themselves. And, not too far up are the zoners that are positively filled with their passions of the arts like Joe when he plays piano.

Scene from Soul where Joe’s in the Zone

What’s notable in this scene is the closeness of those that are suffering to those that are thriving. It’s an unique juxtaposition that shows us how truly close we are to being in the zone, blissfully and happily unaware when expressing ourselves.

It may not always be obvious, but we live based on the stories we tell ourselves over and over again. Considering this, doesn’t that mean we are in control of the suffering we cause ourselves, also?

When 22 became wrapped in her black cloud, the voices we heard inside were hers, repeating what others have told her. Even though those words did not begin or belong to 22 she attached herself to them and created her identity out of something she wasn’t.

Sound familiar?

Though other people’s words have hurt us deeply, it’s us who is truly causing our own suffering by repeating it, over and over again. It’s us that are giving power to those dreaded words and stories. Words hurt. But they are also useful indicators. Listen carefully to the words that push us to react.

Because it’s their words that are teaching us where it hurts and why. Triggers.

Moreover, this notable lesson shows us how truly in control we really are of our own reality. That who we are is based on how we see the world and ourselves. That words definitely do have an impact on us. So, why not tell yourself the ones that are exciting, optimistic, and hopeful.

Why not question the ones that trigger us.

Maybe positive affirmations isn’t such a bad idea, after all? Besides perception is everything and we can only perceive what we know and feel.

Who knows maybe just by thinking a little brighter, life will become a little better too.

If you change the way you look at things, the things we look at change — Wayne Dyer.

We may not be in control of much outside of ourselves, like quarantining for over a year and the rising covid cases. But, we do have control in our attitude we have moving forward and in our actions we choose everyday.

Sometimes the world may seem bleak, but this year especially was a perfect opportunity for self-love and self-reflection. And, if all that was gained from the constant quarantining; was a better understanding of yourself and what you truly need, then you have gained quite a lot.

2. All of 22’s Mentors

When Joe met 22, we learn that 22 had an extensive journey in the Great before where she’s met incredible mentors:

Those included:

  • Abraham Lincoln
  • Mahatma Gandhi
  • Mother Teresa
  • Nicklaus Copernicus
  • Muhammad Ali
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Carl Jung
  • George Orwell

If you aren’t familiar with all of these mentors; it’s worth doing a quick Wikipedia search on.

Anyways, although these mentors have been quite impactful on our world today, what her mentors taught 22 is something beyond their incredible teachings.

It’s that no matter how much knowledge we can learn about living, we can’t truly understand LIFE without taking the risk of experiencing it.

22 thought she knew everything about life after learning what her mentors told her about theirs. Understandably so, she thought she learned from the best?

But what do we gain from thinking we know everything?

Life is filled with unique people, studies, art forms, and events that are so distinctly crafted. In knowing this, one of the best experiences in life is when we learn from people and understand their unique stories. Understanding their whys’.

When we do this, who knows maybe we’ll learn a handy tool, or at least gain an interesting perspective. Or more importantly we can gain empathy about a life we haven’t lived.

Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don’t — Bill NYE

So, let’s be open.

Let’s take what we hear and see, in the hopes to better elevate our own lives.

Let’s place ourselves in positions to grow as people, wherever that draws you.

No matter your learnings, our lives will look a little different anyways because of one simple fact.


How you feel, taste, live, and experience life will be 100% different than anyone you know. In fact, we all have our own set of glasses on that gives us an incredible perspective and glimpse in what gives us our spark.

When 22 finally experienced earth, her eyes lit up. She finally felt what it meant to be in a body and feel the wind, listen to music, run through the streets, and so much more.

It was invigorating! Reminds me of the moments of live music I was so grateful to listen too. Or when listening to Alicia Keys on repeat.

Have you seen her tiny desk concert?

Gives me chills, everytime!

This realization gives us a sense of why living is so much fun! But really this concept can be applied into everything we do.

When we become doctors, CEOS, or senior positions at our companies how many of us feel as if we know everything?

Ironically, maybe every creative has felt as if they don’t know enough. I mean, when do we stop painting on our canvases or finish writing? How do we start? When do we share?

Even this article feels incomplete to me.

But isn’t that what life’s about?

Adapting through change.

Learning from doing.

This year of uncertainty gave business owners an opportunity to learn how to pivot their businesses.

It gave workaholics an opportunity to build balance in their lives.

It gave families a chance to bond.

It gave a chance for people to tap into their creativity a bit more.

Change is constant, regardless. If not now it would eventually be here.

No matter how much we feel we know, learning something new can only elevate your mind and life. Take that leap of faith and apply for the job you didn’t feel qualified for. Create a new business strategy for your company to pivot too.

Talk to interesting people internationally to learn about life outside of your own space. Keep learning about yourself, your interests, and how you can be better.

But don’t forget to dive into the pool even if you don’t see where it ends. Or feel ready, enough.

Waiting for ‘real life’ to begin when you’re ‘ready’ means you’ll never be ready for real life because real life never happens when you’re ready.⁣⁣ — Richie Norton

When you do dive in, you’ll come a float anyways and be able to look back at what you’ve accomplished.

And then you’re off again, diving back in to see what else is out there.

22 was right.

When Joe & Paul had a little tiff she just did the one thing she knew how too. “I didn’t [know how to deal with Paul]. I just let out the me.”

And when she became grounded she saw the beauty in everything. She even called it jazzing.

I wonder what would happen if we jazzed our way through life also?

Soul was truly released on the perfect day during the most perfectly imperfect year.

Its themes of purpose and life were inspiring and much needed.

Even though there was much debate on the ending of Soul, with a year running a theme of death I’m glad the directors of Soul chose to encourage what’s more important L I F E.

Although, this reading touched only on a couple symbols, this movie has many hidden gems that can help all of us jazz up our life, even a little bit.

So, if you haven’t seen it already, what are you doing? Go WATCH

And I hope that today brings much joy and comfort to you in being who you truly are.

In some ways, we have all been stuck in a black hole questioning each moment or decision especially during quarantine but through appreciation, authenticity, and self-love we too can be free.

So, I wonder what will today bring?

Have fun discovering!




somewhere in between the lines, you’ll see it